Eboshi-iwa (えぼし岩)

Eboshi-iwa (えぼし岩)

Utility hole cover with Eboshi-iwa
There is a 14.6-meter rock standing approximately 1.4 km off the coastline of ChigasakiKanagawa Prefecture.  This rock stands among several rock reefs known collectively as Ubajima (姥島).  Due to its distinctive shape, resembling a hat worn during the Heian and Kamakura periods, it is commonly referred to as Eboshi-iwa (えぼし岩).

Historical photos from Chigasaki's website show that the tip of Eboshi-iwa was sharper in the 1930s than it is today.  The rock's shape was altered when it became a target during shooting practices by the US Forces after World War II.

Chigasakikaigan Post Office's pictorial postmark

Scientific studies have revealed that the rock reefs consist mainly of sandstone, with some scoria and volcanic ashes or pumice, dating back approximately 12 million years.

Eboshi-iwa serves as a symbol of Chigasaki and is prominently featured throughout the city, from utility hole covers to the city's mascot, Eboshimaro (えぼし麻呂).  There are also a couple of Eboshi-iwa monuments in the city, including one located next to the east end of Platforms 1 and 2 at Chigasaki Station which was erected to commemorate the station's 90th anniversary.  Pictorial postmarks (for domestic postage) featuring Eboshi-iwa are available at both the Chigasaki Post Office (茅ヶ崎郵便局) and Chigasakikaigan Post Office (茅ヶ崎海岸郵便局).

The Eboshi-iwa Monument at Chigasaki Station

Visitors can enjoy a boat tour to Eboshi-iwa departing from Chigasaki Fishing Port (茅ヶ崎漁港).

View of Eboshi-iwa through Chigasaki Southern C at Southern Beach Chigasaki

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