Shirahata Jinja (白旗神社)

There is a Shinto shrine called Shirahata Jinja (白旗神社), standing between National Route 1 and Kanagawa Prefectural Route 403, in Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Statue of Minamoto no Yoshitsune

It is unclear when the shrine was built, but it already existed before the Kamakura Era (1185 ~ 1333) enshrining Samukawahiko-no-mikoto (寒川比古命), the god enshrined at Samukjawa-jinja Shrine.  The shrine was called Samukawa Jinja (寒川神社) until it was renamed its current name in 1752.

In 1249, Minamoto no Yoshitsune (源義経) (1159 ~ 1189), the younger half-brother of the first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate Minamoto no Yoritomo (1147 ~ 1199), was also enshrined as a god of this shrine.

Large ema of rabbits & Ushiwakamaru
Hello Kitty omikuji

Since this year is the year of the rabbit, the shrine has displayed a large ema with rabbits and Ushiwakamaru (牛若丸), Yoshitsune's name when he was young, jumping between boats.  They also have omikuji of Hello Kitty dressed in a rabbit.

There are also a few subordinate shrines such as Shirahata Benzaiten (白旗辨財天), Shirahata Bishamonten (白旗毘沙門天), and Moriwaki Inari Jinja (森脇稲荷神社).

Shirahata Benzaiten
Shirahata Bishamonten
Moriwaki Inari Jinja

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