Himuro Camellia Garden (氷室椿庭園)

Himuro Setsugekka

The Himuro Camellia Garden (氷室椿庭園), in Chigasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, opened in Oct. 1991.  It was originally owned by the former vice president of Mistui Fudosan, Shoji Himuro, which was donated to Chigasaki.

Himuro Setsugekka (氷室雪月花), a type of camellia with a red sprayed pattern on a white or pink base, was named after him.

The former Himuro residence, standing on the garden's northwest side, is designated as cultural property by the Japanese government.

Operating hours are 9:00 ~ 17:00 (Feb. ~ Apr.) and 10:00 ~ 16:00 (May ~ Jan.) and closed on Monday & Dec. 29 ~ Jan.3.

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