Bean-Throwing at Sakitori Jinja (前鳥神社) & Hiratsuka Hachimangū Shrine (平塚八幡宮)

Mame-maki ceremony at Sakitori Jinja

One of the most common events in Japan during February is Setsubun (節分) which is celebrated on the day before Risshun (立春), the beginning of spring according to the old Japanese calendar.  Usually, Setsubun falls on February 3.

The kento of Sakitori Jinja
A common practice of Setsubun is mame-maki (豆撒き) which is throwing beans while shouting "Oni wa soto!  Fuku wa uchi! (鬼は外!福は内!)" meaning "Demons out!  Fortune in!"  Some Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines hold mame-maki ceremonies.  Senso-ji and Naritasan Shinsho-ji are known for inviting celebrities to throw beans usually making the headlines this time of year.

In Hiratsuka, the Shinto shrines of Sakitori Jinja (前鳥神社) and Hiratsuka Hachimangu Shrine (平塚八幡宮) held the mame-maki ceremonies.

Sakitori Jinja also put up a kento (献灯), a votive lantern, with this year's zodiac animal, the dragon, in front of the haiden at the end of last year.

Mame-maki ceremony at Hiratsuka Hachimangu Shrine

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