Eboshi-iwa (えぼし岩)


Utility hole cover with
There is a 14.6-meter rock standing about 1.4 km off the coastline of Chigasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture.  The rock stands on one of the several rock reefs officially called Ubajima (姥島).  From its shape, the rock is commonly known as Eboshi-iwa (えぼし岩) where eboshi refers to a hat men wore during the Heian and Kamakura periods.  The tip of the rock used to be sharper, as shown on Chigasaki's website comparing a photo taken in the 1930's with a photo taken today, but was chipped away when the rock was used as a target during shooting practices by the US Forces after World War II.

Pictorial postmarks
of Chigasakikaigan
Post Office

Scientific research shows the strata of the rock reefs are mainly of sandstone with some scoria and volcanic ashes or pumice dating back to about 12 million years ago.

Eboshi-iwa has been the symbol of Chigasaki and can be seen throughout the city from utility hole covers to the city's mascot Eboshimaro (えぼし麻呂).  Pictorial postmarks (for domestic postage) depicting Eboshi-iwa are available at the Chigasaki Post Office (茅ヶ崎郵便局) and Chigasakikaigan Post Office (茅ヶ崎海岸郵便局).

Visitors can also go on a boat tour to Eboshi-iwa from the Chigasaki Fishing Port (茅ヶ崎漁港).

View of Eboshi-iwa through Chigasaki Southern C at Southern Beach Chigasaki

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