[Mexican Restaurant] Ducktail (ダックテール) in Chigasaki, Kanagawa

Ducktail (ダックテール)
Ducktail is a Mexican restaurant located close to the North Entrance of Chigasaki Station in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Popular menu items are Mexican tacos, using their homemade taco shells, and taco rice.  The store also provides a wide variety of Mexican drinks, including mojito, tequila, beer, and wine.


Mexican Tacos with Nacho Cheese & Pickle Tequila (メキシカンタコス・ナチョチーズ&漬け込みテキーラ)

Mexican Tacos with Nacho Cheese (メキシカンタコス・ナチョチーズ)

Normal operating hours:
Monday to Thursday:  11:30 ~ 14:30, 17:00 ~ 23:00
Friday to Saturday:  17:00 ~ 24:00
Sunday:  11:30 ~ 21:00 (17:00 ~ 24:00, if Monday is a holiday)

Acceptable payment methods besides cash:

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